036: Exploring "The Shack" with the Enneagram and author Paul Young, pt 1
When learning the Enneagram and figuring out your number, one of the things that complicates the process is trauma and the effect of trauma on personality development and theory. I always say, I think personality, just the defensive nature of the personality thickens on people with trauma. The staircase is steeper that we have to climb.
Our guest in this two-part episode is not sure if he's a 9 or a 7. And so during the show, we actually get into it, we actually help Author Paul Young nail it in the second episode. Paul Young is a human being whose heart and soul are fascinating and are also enriching. I have a special place of affection in my heart for Paul, and I know you’re really going to get a lot out of this show.
Paul Young is the author of The Shack (2007), Cross Roads (2012), Eve (2015), and he just released his latest book, Lies we believe about GOD (2017). To learn more about Paul or to check out his books, visit www.wmpaulyoung.com.
“Part of what I think God does is he doesn’t deny our brokenness or deny what was done to us or deny our participation in darkness. He takes all of that, and by redeeming it, weaves it into the sound that we now become, and so that it is present with us in the moment.”