028: The Grace of Letting Go—the conversation continues with Michael Cusick (Enneagram 2), Part 2
Enneagram Twos are part of the shame triad which, for those who are just getting started with the Enneagram, means that ‘shame’ is the go-to emotion for Twos, Threes, and Fours. Whatever the external manifestation is of—our struggle, our compulsion, our presenting problem, anger, alcohol, buying stuff that you don't need, sex, helping—shame is always what fuels that compulsion because where there's shame, our soul can't rest, in a sense of being loved. The very thing that we're hungry and thirsty for, which is that kind of deep love for who we are, the shame actually sets us up to never be able to get that.
The antidote to that shame is learning to embrace our failures and shortcomings and accept ourselves as we are. Tune in to part two of my conversation with Michael Cusick as we talk about letting go and finding the freedom to live from a place of self-acceptance.
Michael Cusick is a licensed professional counselor, spiritual director, speaker and author of two books including Surfing for God: Discovering the Divine Desire Beneath Sexual Struggle and Somebody’s Daughter: An Experiential Guide. Having experienced the restoring touch of God in a deeply broken life and marriage, Michael’s passion is to connect life’s broken realities with the reality of the gospel.
In addition to leading Restoring the Soul and equipping Christian organizations around the world, Michael currently serves as an adjunct professor at Denver Seminary. He holds an MA in Biblical Counseling from Colorado Christian University and an MA from the College of Education at the University of Denver. Michael lives with his wife Julianne and two children, in Littleton, Colorado where he enjoys the Rocky Mountains and a host of other outdoor activities with friends and family.
For more information on Michael, visit www.restoringthesoul.com or www.michaeljohncusick.com.
“Humility is a renunciation of our need to be better or more than we are, and that is absolutely freeing. The gift of the Enneagram is that it helps us to have the clarity about how to do that. ”